Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Paper Review #11: A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Application in Speech Recognition

1. Paper Bibliography

  • Titleiscrete Markov Processes A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Application in Speech Recognition
  • Authors: Rabiner, Lawrence
  • PublicationProceedings of the IEEE 77.2 (1989): 257-286.

2. Summary

  • Statistical methods of Markov source / Hidden Markov modeling
    • rich in mathematical structure; the theoretical basis for use in a wide range of applications
    • work well in practice (applied properly)
  • Review paper
  • Review paper

3. Details

  • Discrete Markov Processes
    • Extension to Hidden Markov Models
    • Elements of an HMM
    • The Three Basic Problems for HMMs
  • Solutions to the Three Basic Problems of HMMs
    • Solution to Problem 1
    • Solution to Problem 2
    • Solution to Problem 3
  • Types of HMMs
    • Continuous Observation Densities in HMMs
    • Autoregressive HMMs
    • Variants on HMM Structures - Null Transitions and Tied States
    • Inclusion of Explicit State Duration Density in HMMs
    • Optimization Criterion
    • Comparison of HMMs
  • Implementation Issues for HMMs
    • Scaling
    • Multiple Observation Sequences
    • Initial Estimates of HMM Parameters
    • Effects of Insufficient Training Data
    • Choice of Model
  • Implementation of Speech Recognizers Using HMMs
    • Overall Recognition System
    • Isolated Word Recognition
    • LPC Feature Analysis
    • Vector Quantization
    • Choice of Model Parameters
    • Segmental k-Means Segmentation into States
    • Incorporation of State Duration into the HMM
    • HMM Performance on Isolated Word Recognition
  • Connected Word Recognition Using HMMs
    • Connected Digit Recognition from Word HMMs Using Level Building
    • Level Building on HMMs
    • Training the Word Models
    • Duration Modeling for Connected Digits
    • Performance of the Connected Digit HMM Recognizer
  • HMMs for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition
    • Limitations of HMMs
With HMM, an advanced process
Foward chaining + Backward chaining = Viterbi
1. Evaluation problem: calculating probability (F + B)
2. Decoding Problem: given a sequence observation what is most likely hidden data
3. Training Problem: Baum Welch

1 comment:

  1. To be frank, I did not learn much from the paper. Dr. Hammond's explanation in the class helped a lot. The writing style and the wierd maths left me confused!
