Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Paper Review #10: Combining Corners from Multiple Segmenters

1. Paper Bibliography

  • Title: Combining Corners from Multiple Segmenters
  • Authors: Aaron Wolin, Martin Field, and Tracy Hammond.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the Eighth Eurographics Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling. ACM, 2011.

2. Summary

  • There are several stroke segmentation algorithms. The algorithm attempts to slice strokes into primitives.  Combine  
  • Feature subset selection
  • Sequential floating backward selection(SFBS)
  • Mean-squared error(MSE) objective function
  • Bookkeepting technique
  • Optimal polyline

3. Details

  • Previous work
  • Corner Subset Selection
    • Step 1: Segmenters Used
      • Douglas-Peucker
      • ShortStraw
      • PaleoSketch
      • Sezgin
      • Kim
    • Step 2: Subset Selection
      • For dimensionality reduction in pattern classification problems
        • Feature = Dimension
      • Sequential floating backward selection(SFBS)
        • Start with the entire set of feature
        • Remove greedy - the least performance
        • Add previously removed one - bookkeeping techniques
      • Mean-Squared error(MSE)
        • Choose which corner to remove 
    • Step 3: Training and Testing 

    4. Evaluation

    • Recall
    • Traditional accuracy

    5. My opinion


      1. This paper presents a good combination of multiple corner finding algorithms. Your paper review shows a good explanation of how they are applied together and how to make a feature subset selection. Nice.

      2. A good example of subset selection indeed. In fact I understood the concept after reading this paper only
