Title: PaleoSketch: accurate primitive sketch recognition and beautification
Authors: Paulson, Brandon, and Tracy Hammond.
Publication: Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces. ACM, 2008.
2. Terminology
NDDE: Normalized distance between direction extremes
DCR: Diction change Rate
3. Summary
A new low-level recognition and beautification system that can recognize eight primitive shapes, as well as combinations of these primitives, with recognition rates at 98.56%.
Polyline: high DCR, low NDDE
Curve: low DCR, high NDDE
4. Details & Evaluation
Pre recognition
Compute two features
NDDE = dist(point with the highest delta, point with the lowest delta) / the length of the stroke
DCR = biggest diction change / average direction change
Line test
Polyline, Ellipse, Circle, Arc, Spiral, Helix and Complex test
Nice concise summary. Small suggestion :: A simple explanation of why NDDE and DCR works will complete the article.