Sunday, September 14, 2014

Paper Review #2: K-Sketch

1. Paper Bibliography
  • Title: K-Sketch: A "Kinetic" Sketch Pad for Novice Animators
  • Authors: Richard C. Davis, Brien Colwell, James A. Landy
  • Publication: SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2008.

2. Summary
  • The paper suggests an pen-based kinetic sketch application. The goal of the paper is to provide the application creating animations for novice. They implement the program which consists of 10 functions: translate, scale, rotate, set timing, move relative, appear, disappear, trace, copy motion and orient to path. Through user studies, they proved that compared to PowerPoint or Flash, K-Sketch is fast enough for sketching ideas, simple enough for novices, and powerful enough to handle a wide variety of tasks.

3. My opinion
    1) Method
  • In my opinion, the interface of K-Sketch is user-friendly and the main functions they implemented are easy to use. It is certain that this can be usable for novice animators and is good for simple animations. Also, as the method they used is a laboratory experiment, I think it is reliable. 
    2) Idea
  • The idea is also interesting. I think that they dealt with a real issues and made a practical solution. In my opinion, this idea is efficient and beneficial for general users.
    3) New research idea
  • It would be also nice that if this can support collaborative works such as multi-sketch function or supporting remotely working together.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked using the application. With a little refinement maybe I am sure it can be a real selling product!
