Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Paper Review #10: Combining Corners from Multiple Segmenters

1. Paper Bibliography

  • Title: Combining Corners from Multiple Segmenters
  • Authors: Aaron Wolin, Martin Field, and Tracy Hammond.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the Eighth Eurographics Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling. ACM, 2011.

2. Summary

  • There are several stroke segmentation algorithms. The algorithm attempts to slice strokes into primitives.  Combine  
  • Feature subset selection
  • Sequential floating backward selection(SFBS)
  • Mean-squared error(MSE) objective function
  • Bookkeepting technique
  • Optimal polyline

3. Details

  • Previous work
  • Corner Subset Selection
    • Step 1: Segmenters Used
      • Douglas-Peucker
      • ShortStraw
      • PaleoSketch
      • Sezgin
      • Kim
    • Step 2: Subset Selection
      • For dimensionality reduction in pattern classification problems
        • Feature = Dimension
      • Sequential floating backward selection(SFBS)
        • Start with the entire set of feature
        • Remove greedy - the least performance
        • Add previously removed one - bookkeeping techniques
      • Mean-Squared error(MSE)
        • Choose which corner to remove 
    • Step 3: Training and Testing 

    4. Evaluation

    • Recall
    • Traditional accuracy

    5. My opinion

      Monday, October 20, 2014

      Paper Review #9: Sketch Based Interfaces

      1. Paper Bibliography

      • Title: Sketch Based Interfaces: Early Processing for Sketch Understanding
      • Authors: Tevfik Metin Sezgin, Thomas Stahovich, and Randall Davis
      • Publication: ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Courses. ACM, 2006.

      2. Summary

      • Target: free sketching
      • Target Domain: mechanical engineering design
      • Purpose: flexibility & easy to use
      • Goal: 
        • Converting the original digitized pen strokes in a sketch into the intended geometric objects
        • Combining multiple sources of knowledge 

      3. Definitions

      • A single stroke: from mouse-down to mouse up

      4. Details

      • Free sketching

        • The timing of pen motion can be very informative in regard to free sketching.
        • There is no fixed shape to be recognized.
      early processing of the basic geometry finding corner + new processing finding line & curve

      1. Stroke approximation
      : approximate a stroke with more compact and abstract description while minimizing error and avoid overfitting
        • Vertex detection
          - Corner of a stroke = high local curvature
          - Combining stroke direction, curvature and speed data
          ex) corner: minimal of speed or maxima of the absolute value of curvature

          1) Average based filtering
          : Rule out noises(false positives) + variety in angle changes
          - Maxima of curvatures and minima of speed
          - Use thresholds to separate the data into two regions for global extrema
          - Use hybrid fit generation scheme to eliminate false positives
          - The reason why using only curvature data cannot be enough

          - The reason why using only speed data cannot be enough

          2) Generating hybrid fits

          - Computing vertex certainties
          - Generating a set of hybrid fits
          - Selecting the best fit
        • Handling curves: (this is hart part to understand.)
      2. Beautification
      : make the output visually more appealing without changing its meaning

      3. Basic recognition
      : interpret the strokes

      4. Evaluation

      • 13 subjects

      5. My opinion

        I think this is similar to ShortStraw, but it is much mathematical approach.

        Tuesday, October 14, 2014

        Paper Review #8: ShortStraw

        1. Paper Bibliography

        • Title: ShortStraw: A Simple and Effective Corner Finder for Polylines
        • Authors: Aaron Wolin, Brian Eoff, and Tracy Hammond
        • Publication: Proceedings of the Fifth Eurographics conference on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling. Eurographics Association, 2008.

        2. Summary

        • Main step
          1. Resampling the points of the stroke
          2. Calculating the "straw" distance between the endpoints of a window around each resampled point
          3. Taking the points with the minimum straw distance to be corners

        • Providing free-sketch recognition
          • A stroke is broken down into primitives.
          • The primitives can be recognized with high accuracy.
          • It is recombined using geometrical rules to allow for recognition of naturally sketched shapes
        • Corner finding = splitting a stroke into primitives
          • Find the minimum set of points such that, if the polyline is split at those points, the resulting primitives would consist of only lines.

        3. Details

        • Resampling
          • same as $1 recognizer (but interspacing distance of the points is different).
          • based on diagonal length of the stroke's bounding box. (reason: various sizes)
        Interspacing distance = the diagonal length of the bounding box / constant value
          • Increasing the constant val: too noisy 
          • Decreasing the constant val: over-smoothed 
        • Corner Finding
          • Bottom-Up: build corner from primitives
            • Set up initial corners
            • A corner is based on the length of "straw" (w is a constant window size) 
            • Euclidean distance
        Straw_i = | P_i - w, P_i + w |
            • Straw: short, local minimum
            • If Straw_i < threshold(median Straw * 0.95) and is local minimum, it is a corner. 
          • Top-Down: insert or delete corners from higher-level pattern
            • Find missing corners or false corners
            • Adding
              • Line test (equality ratio) 
        r = chord distance(a,b) / path distance(a,b)

              • If r > developer-set threshold(0.95), it is line.
            • Removing
              • If three corners are collinear, remove the middle one.

        4. Experiment & Discussion

          • Training data (6 people * 11 shapes * 4 times - 20 errors = 244)
          • Compared targets: Sezgin's corner finder, Kim and Kim's
          • Measurement: 
            • correct corner accuracy(penalty for false negatives) 
            • all-or-nothing accuracy(penalty for both false positives and false negatives)
          • Complexity
            • Resampling points: O(n)
            • Calculating the straw for each points(bottom-up): O(n)
            • Calculating the median straw length: O(nlogn)
            • POST-PROCESS-CORNER(top-down): O(cn)
          • To reduce complexity: replace euclidean distance with a squared distance
          • Lack of recognizing curvature 

          5. My opinion

          I was wondered the result of testing circle shape. Probably it might not be suitable for circle shapes because I think that this would cause high complexity. However, it would be much nicer if corner recognition and circle recognition are combined.

          Monday, October 13, 2014

          Paper Review #7: Gestures without libraries, toolkits or training

          1. Paper Bibliography
          • Title: Gestures without Libraries, Toolkits or Training- A $1 Recognizer for User Interface Prototypes 
          • Authors: Wobbrock, Jacob O., Andrew D. Wilson, and Yang Li
          • Publication: Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. ACM, 2007.

          2. Summary
          • This paper suggest a recognizer called $1 recognizer which is easy simple and powerful. When developing user interface prototype, most people except experts usually need to use user libraries or tools as a gesture recognizer, but sometimes the libraries or tools provided by industries might not enough because the usage of sketch techniques with pen, finger and wand gestures are increased. Although the $1 recognizer is simple, it supports high recognition rate comparing to Dynamic Time Warping and Rubine classifier

          3. My opinion
              1) Method
          • The simple four-step algorithm suggested by the paper is very easy to understand, so it was impressive that $1 recognizer is powerful and the recognition rate of $1 recognizer is same as of more complex recognizers. 
              2) Idea
          • This is not sophisticated but simple and powerful. I think it is a great idea that providing easy-to-use gesture recognizer to people who are not experts. 
              3) New research idea
          • I do not have a new research idea but I think this idea could be improved if $1 recognizer combined with techniques based on features to classify.